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Our mission is to bring unity to our world through active participation and positive examples.

We choose to lead by example and to create an environment within World(#296) that all players and alliances can enjoy.

A part of this game is to battle and that does not need to be lost.   The difference is to do so in an orderly manner so that at the end of the day we can all continue to grow and make the nation stronger.    Since Charlse Darwin published the "Origins of Man", its been thought by science that the nature of things is natural selection.   The strong rule and the weak get eaten.   But with the dawn of civilized man kind, we have through our will decided that we will work together to help each other.   This is the principle of our alliance, to live as individuals but help the community to thrive.   That is our mission and that is what we base all of our rules and actions upon.   

Live with Honor and die valiantly.
