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Officer Combat Design

There are many things that improve your combat but one of the primary areas is the Boost percentages for combat.    There are several areas that can increase this but none more powerful than the configuration of your Officers.     The first and most important thing I can emphasize is that any primary fighting account should have only purple officers.    This means that its best to wait as you are growing before investing any form of officer strengthening until you have the purple officer.   

The combat officers you should have are outlined below.   With each officer, we will have some suggestions for optimizing their configuration as you go.

One of the strongest officers in our combat arsenal will be Tifa.   She improves all your combat boosts instantly.   Her primary built-in skill is "Attack Boost".   You will want to increase her level as high as you possibly can.    To augment this as you increase how many stars she has and add more skills to her list you will want to add "Long Range Attack", "Long Range Expert", "Melee Defense", and "Melee HP".    This will bring you a very strong and well-rounded officer as you improve her level. 

Also, you will want to get her to 5 stars and enable her special skill as quickly as you can.    This will greatly help in combat when you are in a Rally.  

Another Officer you will want to have in your list is "Storm Bow".   His primary built-in skill is all troop "Defense Boost".   This will be very important especially for your Melee troops.     It is also very important to increase his level quickly.   Just like with Tifa as you increase the number of skills he has you will want to add these skills to his list:  "Long Range Attack", "Long Range Expert", "Melee Defense", and "Melee HP".    This will bring you a very strong and well-rounded officer as you improve her level. 

Also, you will want to get him to 5 stars and enable his special skill as quickly as you can.    This will help reduce the defense capability of a single enemy city.   This is a very handy skill to have once it is enabled.

