Farmers and Fighters
You hear many times on AOZ the claim of "You're a farmer" and "We're fighters" but what does it really mean and which is more important? They both hold importance but for the primary account (the one you play most of the time) the most important aspect is to be a fighter. This is your strength and your ability to defend against attacks. The fighter account keeps you and your fellow Alliance partners safe. The fighter protects your assets and your farms. This account is the most important account and the first account you should own. This account should also be your highest, strongest, and most invested.
Then what is a farmer or farm? A farm is an account that is specialized in the production of resources and load carrying. This is the account that provides your source for growth for itself and also its primary fighter. In some cases, the farms provide growth for the fighters of the entire alliance. A good rule of thumb is that for each fighter you have 4 to 10 farms. These farms are usually several city levels below the fighter. In turn, each alliance should have 1 or more farm alliances. Sometimes these farm alliances specialize in certain resources.
The Fighter
Your fighter account should be grown to above Level 22. The primary points for city-level on a fighter account are Level 22, Level 26, Level 30, and Level 34. Each of these carries with it special benefits and troops. Level 22 and 30 your primary combat troops are Cannons. Level 26 and 30 your primary combat troops are Snipers. With a fighting account, you want to concentrate on getting all of your purple officers, but then you want to invest mostly in your combat and director officer skills. With a skilled fighter, you wish to put your focus on Long-Range Attack, Melee Defense, and Hit Points (Life). Concentrate on these areas first. On the fighter account, your resource gathering and development skills can be somewhat neglected in favor of your fighting skills.
The Farmer
Your farmer accounts should be grown to a minimum of level 16 or 20. At level 16 you can collect Steel, and at level 20 you can start collecting Minerals. The higher you go the more you can collect of these. You should have at least 4 farms for each fighter, perhaps more. These farms should be attached to one of the farm alliances. These farm alliances are focused on resource growth rather than fighting. Each type of alliance has its special purpose and all actions of that alliance go towards that purpose. For farms, the purpose is the production and gathering of resources. The type of resources may determine the focus of the Alliance Technology which is being strengthened.
For your farmer accounts, War skills are not very important. What is important is gathering and production. You want to get the Medici officers and Doc Grey. You want purple in the resource production officers. And the skills you choose should all be optimized to gather and produce Steel or Minerals. Expand the level of the Steel, Grain, Oil, and Mineral factories to their fullest. And also build 6 of the Steel and Mineral factories. Concentrate on load-carrying skills. And also the training for these in the academy. For troops, you want the troops with the best load-carrying capacity. Flame Throwers, Axes, Cannons, Shredders.
On your farms get shields whenever you can and have a few 3-day shields handy for void wars. Always empty your soldiers and clean your resources before every void war. Your farms are your source of growth for your fighters. Protect them and keep them busy always, and you will go far.
Second Accounts
Creating a farming account can be a bit difficult at first, but once you understand the method it's much easier. Camel Games (AOZ) allows you to have 2 cities in the same Nation under each account on your phone. The number of accounts varies depending on the type of phone you have. On the iPhone, you can have 3 types of accounts. You can have an Apple Account, an ApplePlay account, and a Facebook account. Each of these can tie to 2 cities. So without anything special, you can have a maximum of 6 cities on an iPhone.
On an Android phone, it's much more simple and versatile. You can have 2 cities for each Google Play account, and 2 for Facebook. But the Android phones allow you to have an unlimited number of different Google Play accounts. So there really is no limit to how many cities you have. On an Android, you simply must go to G-Mail, create a new account (business account) and then remember the username/password and sign in to it by selecting "Switch Account" on the AOZ game.
To create a new city, make certain your current city is tied to one of the types of accounts mentioned above and says "Safe". Then go to "My Info" then "Account" and select "New Game". You'll need to go through the initial process to build your city. But once complete, you will bind it to one of your alternate Google Play (Apple/ApplePay) or Facebook accounts. Continue to do this until you have as many farms as you wish.
A third option if you have a computer is to download the "BlueStacks" Android emulator. From there you can create a virtual phone on your computer, and create as many different farm accounts on that as you wish simply by creating a new Google (Gmail) account for every 2 bases.